субота, 14. септембар 2013.

Free! Iwatobi Swim Club Ep.10: Irritated Heart Rate

Okay, so, this is my very first blog post here. I never really wrote something like this, so it's really hard for me to start typing this 'review' thingy.
Here we go. :D

The alternative title of this episode could have been "Stuck In The Past" or "I Can't Move On" since all this show is about are hot boys swimming and the main protagonist not being able to forgive himself for winning against his best friend (?). I mean, really? I need something new (like more swimming action and stuff)~

The episode starts with flashbacks of Haruka, Makoto and Rin during their elementary school days. The whole scene with their conversation under the cherry blossom tree in adapted from the prequel light novel High Speed. I like the fact that that scene got animated in the anime too, because I really liked the scene in the light novel as well. Damn, Rin was so cute back then (but that won't change the fact that he's a jerk now)!

Am I the only one who wants to see Aki (Haruka, Makoto and Rin's classmate during their elementary school and also a member of Iwatobi Swim Club) in these flashbacks? I won't lie, I'm still stuck on chapter 3 of the light novel, so I really wouldn't know how Aki actually looks like, but, could that girl be Aki? I'm so curious now! Plus, another megane guy here, huh? Megane guys are so popular nowdays! -fangirls-

Oh my dear God, Nagisa is still so adorable (and we're still stuck in flashback, duh)!! Those eyes! That voice! Ahh, he certanly is a sweetie of a child!
I noticed something. Back to episode 3 where Nagisa tried to convince Rei to join the Swim Club at Iwatobi High, he asked him if he can run with him. He said "Only if you can keep up." and Nagisa told him that Haruka used to say that when they were younger as well. And now that scene is shown in episode 10. Cool, huh? I like the way all events are somehow connected. Haters of Free! can't say that this show is only for the purpose of fanservicing. The fact is that there is a plot behind all this.

Back to the story, with no further flashbacks (yay!), Goro the Devil appears. It seems that the Swim Club succeeded to convince him to coach them. Since he's disappointed in their swimming skills so far, he decides to put hundreds of cameras all over the swimming pool so they can see their forms properly and try to improve them. That's pretty much creepy in my opinion, even for Goro.

"Forevar Iwatobi" ---> Goro's English is bad.

It seems that Rei is pretty upset after spying on Rin during the summer festival back in episode 9. Well, what he saw is indeed disturbing, even though I don't like Rin at all (for now). Seeing Rin break like that in front of Iwatobi Elementary School is heartbreaking for me as well. I feel bad for him in some episodes (and I want to strangle him and burn him in others, like episode 7). Rei still doesn't understand why did Rin decide to swim in the relay at the last moment and why did he drastically change during the past 4 years.

The next day, Haruka, Makoto, Nagisa, Rei, Gou and Miho decide to go and visit Goro at his place. He made them his special Sasabe Hot Pot, which sure doesn't taste good. Or, does it? Well, Miho certanly does think it's good. In fact, really good. Nagisa knocks down some magazines and it turns out that they're very old swimsuit magazines with Miho as a model in them. Haha, my predictions were true. Goro does know her. From a magazine! Miho and Goro both agree to keep it a secret.

Gou happens to find an old album with lots of pictures of Iwatobi Swim Club from the time when Haruka, Makoto, Nagisa and Rin were still in the elementary school. Later that night, Miho decides to drive Gou back home, and the boys decide to take a walk by the seaside. Rei tells Haruka, Makoto and Nagisa that he wants to know more about their relationship between Rin and the reason he changed, so Haruka tells him their story.

The next day, Rei skips practice and goes to Samezuka Academy to confront Rin.

Okay, so.. My thoughts? This episode was pretty interesting, I have to admit. I don't like the fact that there were so many flashbacks, 'cause I'm not a fan of them, actually, but, it's good to know more about Haruka and Rin's past (especially if you didn't read the novel yet). The best part of the episode was the preview for the next episode, in my opinion. I'm cracking up every time I hear Rei saying "Furious All-Out" and "Perfect Body"!! Rin could give him private English lessons or something. xD

I wonder what will happen between Rei and Rin in the next episode. Perhaps they're going to race? Well, if they do so, there's no way that Rei's gonna win. I mean, Rin did go to Australia just to become an Olympic swimmer and Rei is a starter. If Rei tries to race him, that will be totally stupid from him. Very, very stupid. Also, I want to see the relay race between Iwatobi High and Samezuka Academy so bad!

Till next time,

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